By admin on Saturday, 16 April 2022
Category: Investments

Charity Fund ReHome has begun construction of free social housing for Ukrainian refugees

More than 3 million of Ukrainians have become refugees, many of them lost their homes forever. The majority of the migrants and victims  live in unsatisfactory and unfavorable conditions.

Free social housing will be provided to Ukrainian refugees for entire period  of war in Ukraine.

In order to receive free housing, refugees and war victims can submit an application on the official website  

Preference is given to families with children with disabilities or families with members who became disabled during the Russian military invasion.

Our team would be grateful for some financial grants or financial support of this project. All funds will be spent to purchase construction materials, transport costs and payment salaries of builders.

We can build 300 modular homes per month and provide housing  for 2 000 refugees per month.  All refugees receive comfortable new housing with modern infrastructure with a well-thought-out concept and eco-environment. Comfortable living conditions are a great chance for all survivors to start living  "from scratch".


More detailed information about ReHome Project:

Alexander Berchuk, mob. tel. +380734397337.

Original link

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